The Pat Duncan show on NJ’s WFMU has flown under the radar for what seems like an eternity. Playing underground hardcore/punk, hosting interviews of bands and ex fanzine editors (including yours truly) and in this case having bands play live on the air. On February 5, 2009 it was Fed Up on on the show and this 7” captures the nights festivities. For those unfamiliar with Fed Up they play straight up old style hardcore in the vein of early Warzone/Cause For Alarm with a dash of humor tossed in from time to time. Nothing fancy, just in your face, and most of their stuff is really catchy… just check out their “Sheer Poetry” CD from 2010 on United Riot Records for proof. Love the layout on this short 7” with a little intro paying homage to Pat Duncan and all the help he has given to bands plus a few candid shots of the band at the studio. Looks like they played 13 songs this night and you get 7 of them here and must say a pretty good recording for a live on the radio set. Worth noting the bands lighter/funnier side as the between song banter between songs had me cracking up with personal cheap shots aimed at friends/and or other band members. Worth a check.